How to Get Rid of Keloids: Symptoms, Causes, and Tips
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Keloids are one of the outcomes of tattooing in some people. There are obviously other reasons for it. If you want to know what keloids are and how to get rid of them, then read this post.
In this post, we shall discuss everything about keloid scars, including how to get rid of keloids. Read on!
What Exactly Are Keloids?
Keloids are raised, thickened scars. More often than not, they occur in the areas of the skin that have healed after an injury or any process, such as tattooing. Keloid scars can be large in size if not addressed on time.
People with dark complexion are more prone to keloid scars. Some of the reasons people experience keloids include acne, cuts, wounds, etc.
Aside from these, body piercing, tattooing, or any other kind of surgery can also lead to the development of keloids. You may not immediately experience this issue; sometimes, it takes more than a few months to experience raised scars on the wounded region. In some case, their growth continues for many years.
Let’s now take a look at the symptoms of Keloids
Telltale Signe of keloids
Here are some of the common symptoms of keloids that you must be aware of; take a look…
Gradual Development
Keloids do not show up immediately after the surgery or wound. It may take around three months to a year for them to show initial symptoms. At first, you may not be able to recognize if it is keloids. In certain cases, they continue to grow slowly for a duration of years.
Change in Color
Keloids do not remain the same. When they first appear, they are pink or purple in color. Gradually, they start to become darker. More often than not, they become darker than the individual’s skin, especially the border of the flat scar, which looks darker than the central part.
The size of the flat scar varies greatly. Some individuals may have smaller keloids measuring around one inch, while others may have much larger raised scars measuring up to 12 inches.
The texture of keloids isn’t same for everyone. Different people have keloids in different textures. For instance, some people get to have doughy and mushy keloids, whereas, others experience a hard and rubbery texture.
Again, the level of discomfort is different for people. Some people have itchy and painful keloids. People feel pain when they touch the raised scars. At the same time, others get feelings of irritation. Whatever the case, these symptoms subside on their own once the keloid has taken its form.
Identifying a keloid is simple. A professional healthcare provider can easily identify a keloid after seeing all the symptoms and the type of raised scar. However, in some conditions, they may ask for a skin biopsy to rule out the possibility of other types of skin growth.
People may experience keloids on any part of their bodies, including shoulders, earlobes, chest, neck, back, and so on.
Causes of Keloids
Keloids may occur due to numerous reasons, including the surgery, wound, cut, piercing, tattooing, and so on. After any wound, including surgery and tattooing, a scar starts to appear on the particular region.
The formation of scar tissue continues to occur in certain individuals even after their wound has healed. Keloids start to develop when the additional scar tissue form in the affected area.
If you want to know how to get rid of keloids, then continue reading ahead. Here, we will discuss some of the ways you can get rid of the raised scars. Take a look…
Top 8 Methods to Get Rid of Keloid Scars
Keloids, like any other issue, can be treated medically; however, there is a chance that you may have them again even after the removal. In addition, removing keloids is challenging.
First things first, you need to get them removed only by highly qualified medical professionals. They employ a combination of therapies to help you get rid of keloids from your skin. Some of the therapies that can help get rid of the raised scars include
1. Corticosteroids Shots
Medical professionals may administer corticosteroid shots. Corticosteroids are anti-inflammatory drugs used to treat conditions like rheumatoid arthritis or lupus. These shots can help reduce the size of the scar. These shots are given every few weeks over several months.
2. Surgery
Keloids can be removed surgically. However, surgical removal may not be effective as keloids tend to reoccur, often larger than before. Most medical practitioners combine surgical procedures with other treatments, such as corticosteroid shots, to reduce the risk of reoccurrence.
3. Laser Therapy
Laser therapy is yet another procedure doctors use to help you get rid of keloids. Doctors reduce the size and redness of keloids using laser treatment. You will need to undergo multiple sessions of this therapy to get desired outcomes. Moreover, your doctor may combine it with other treatments for the best results.
4. Cryotherapy
Cryotherapy is another kind of treatment that is used to treat keloids. Doctors freeze the keloid using liquid nitrogen. This treatment results in the decreased size of the raised scar. Usually, they are effective for smaller keloids and can be painful.
5. Silicone Sheets
Applying pressure with silicone sheets can also reduce keloids. flatten keloids. You may have to place these sheets for a long time on your skin.
6. Radiation Therapy
Low-dose radiation therapy can also be used to treat keloids. This is an effective therapy; however, it comes with some severe side effects.
7. Topical Treatments
There are numerous over-the-counter gels and ointments available that can help flatten keloids and reduce redness. However, you will need to apply these gels or ointments for a very long time to see the results.
Pressure Therapy
Applying pressure of the affected area can also help you get rid of keloids. This is often used after the surgical removal of the raised scar in order to prevent it from recurring.
Wrapping it up…
So, this is all about keloids. Hopefully, this article has been informative for you and helped you understand the cause of keloids and how you can get rid of them. Having awareness about the condition can help you take significant steps.
There are numerous methods that can be used to get rid of the raised scar. However, not all methods work for everyone. It is worth noting that the effectiveness of the treatment varies from human to human. Hence, it is crucial to consult a qualified healthcare provider in order to determine the best treatment for your condition.