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100 Ultimate Medical Tattoo Symbols and Designs

Medical Tattoo Page

100 Ultimate Medical Tattoo Symbols and Designs

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A medical tattoo is used to communicate a condition, information, or mark a body location. It was first started by Galen in 150 CE. When he tried to fix the corneal issue by using a medical tattoo technique. Around the 1870s this medical tattooing starts gaining popularity due to the efforts of Louis Von Wecker.

Medical Tattoos serves a variety of medical purposes, such as medical alert tattoos, radiotherapy tattoos, post-mastectomy tattoos. For example, in case of an emergency a medical tattoo indicating that the patient has a medical diabetic condition, because sometimes patient fall into a diabetic coma and is unable to communicate to the responders.

In the US Military, soldiers are inked with their vital information on the side of their rib cage, beneath their armpit, which helps in identification when needed. These tattoos are known as “Meat Tags”.

Medical tattoos also act as a solution for skin injuries by giving visual improvement. For example, restoration of areola and nipple, reducing scars, and scalp treatments, yielding natural and appealing results. Hence, acting like a big boost for the person both physically, mentally, and emotionally.

Medical tattoos generally have two broad categories namely

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