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Top 12 Tips To Make Getting Your First Tattoo Easier

Tips To Make Getting Your First Tattoo Easier

Top 12 Tips To Make Getting Your First Tattoo Easier

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Whether you’ve been planning to get a tat for months or you’ve just decided to go for it on the spur of the moment, being nervous is part of it. There are a lot of things to be worried about, such as the tattoo pain or the design. Whether or not you’ll be able to persevere to the end, or will you be truly capable of committing to one design for the rest of your life, and so on.

If you also feel nervous, read this post. We’ve tried to put your worries at ease with these 12 tips to make getting your first tattoo easier.

Let’s get started…

Table of Contents

  • 1. Find out the right tattoo artist.
  • 2. Do some preliminary research on design concepts.
  • 3. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.
  • 4. Take into account the location.
  • 5. Don’t go for a cheap option.
  • 6. Prepare yourself mentally.
  • 7. Wear comfortable clothing.
  • 8. Don’t miss taking your ID.
  • 9. Be patient and go fully prepared.
  • 10. Eat well before tattooing.
  • 11. Don’t rush through the procedure.
  • 12. Take your time and relax.

1. Find out the right tattoo artist.

The first and foremost step to get a stunning first tattoo is to find the right tattoo artist. Conduct extensive research online, examine the health standards, clients, and tattoo artists by reading online reviews and visit the tattoo studio personally. Do your tattoo homework ahead of time to ensure you’re comfortable in the shop.

2. Do some preliminary research on design concepts.

It is vital to be clear about the type of design you want. There are numerous tattoo designs and styles. You need to be prepared ahead of time by researching design concepts you like. Research online, offline to find what exactly you would want to have etched on your body.

You can also talk to your artist if you’re not completely satisfied with the design you’ve chosen. They can make changes to the drawing and respond to your questions. And yes, take along the reference material to show your tattoo artist a graphic description for your tattoo.

3. Don’t hesitate to ask questions.

Don’t be hesitant to ask questions. If you tend to forget things, make a list of questions you want to ask your tattoo artists before visiting them.

A skilled tattoo artist will answer all of your questions and make sure you’re comfortable before beginning the procedure. If they don’t respond to you properly, or you’re just unable to connect, just leave the place. This is not the right place for you.

4. Take into account the location.

Because getting your first tattoo is such an exciting event, you might not want to commit any mistakes. Hence, it is crucial to decide your tattoo placement in advance. Remember that a tattoo is a lifetime commitment that, depending on your field, may hamper your professional life.

5. Don’t go for a cheap option.

As said earlier, your tattoo is a lifetime commitment. Hence, it is crucial to get it from a reputable tattoo artist. Getting it from some random unskilled artist may lead to a lifetime of disappointments and regrets.

Also, it is not advised to be overly frugal for your first tattoo. Keep searching until you find a reasonable price tattoo studio. The idea is to get excellent body artwork in your budget. So, choose a shop based on the artists’ talents, expertise, and health standards.

Also See: Your First Time Tattoo: Cool Ideas, Dos And Don’t

6. Prepare yourself mentally.

You’ll bleed a bit, and it’ll hurt a little, but in the end, it will be worth all the pain. So, be mentally prepared for all the pain that comes along with tattooing. Some people listen to music or converse with their friends, while others remain silent. You can choose to do what works best for you! It’s just pain, and it’s not that horrible; otherwise, no one would ever get a tattoo!

7. Wear comfortable clothing.

Consider where you want the tattoo to go and whether your clothing will make it easy to get to. Will the tattooist be able to access the region without making you feel too exposed! Consider the type of fabric you’re wearing; you’ll probably get perspiration once the pain starts, and you’ll probably have to lie in an awkward posture, so choose something soft and comfortable.

8. Don’t miss taking your ID.

Some tattoo artists ask their clients to sign a consent form before receiving their tattoos. These forms basically include questions regarding your medical history. So, don’t miss taking your ID along with you.

9. Be patient and go fully prepared.

You’ll be eager to get started, but there’ll be a lot of waiting involved. Bring a book, magazine, or a fully charged phone to be prepared.

10. Eat well before tattooing.

Your body will be flushed with adrenaline when the artist begins tattooing you. This can make you feel dizzy. So make sure you have a good meal and drink plenty of water before you start for the tattoo studio. Eating a good meal before tattooing will keep your blood sugar levels stable. You can even carry along some snacks to eat while getting tattooed.

Also, avoid going drunk to the studio; it can worsen the whole thing for you.

11. Don’t rush through the procedure.

Don’t get too excited to leave immediately after getting your tattoo. Wait for your tattooist to give you some essential aftercare instructions. These instructions include how to keep the tattoo clean so that it heals properly. And if you tend to forget things easily, better ask your tattoo artist to give you written instructions.

12. Take your time and relax.

Finally, relax to make your tattoo experience as seamless as possible! Yes, you do not need to be concerned! It is recommended to put your tattoo on hold if you are not ready with your tattoo design, haven’t found the ideal tattoo artist, or have a tight budget. It’s pointless to get your first tattoo in a hurry; it’ll simply lead to disappointment.

Wrapping up…

So these are the 12 tips to make getting your first tattoo easier and memorable. Hopefully, this post is enlightening and valuable for you. Following these tips will make getting your first tattoo experience a breeze.

Happy Tattooing… ☺ ☺

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